I bought these:

The projects in these two books are pretty basic and kind of similar, but I think they'll give me some good practice in the foundations. If you get a lopsided kitchen apron or a too-small tote bag from me for X-mas, just try to keep in mind that I worked hard on it and it's been a learning experience. You can always throw it away when I'm not looking...
PS-- In my 'dream house' I would have a dedicated room for all my crafty messes. Kind of like my very talented artist husband has his studio (albeit, a small one). Virginia Woolf was right. For now, I just have baskets, bags, totes, and boxes strewn about our living room and guest room/office/someday baby's room. They overflow with yarn and books about knitting and crochet, with hooks and needles poking out here and there. Oh, my dream house would also have a professional organizer to come in and make it all pretty and accessible. Yes.